Raeven Khan, the eldest daughter of Milini Khan, belongs to a renowned family with a rich musical legacy. She spent her childhood alongside her siblings, Jett Khan-Corley and Josh Khan-Corley. Despite the fame of her family, Raeven chooses to maintain a private life, following in the footsteps of her mother and grandmother.

Milini Khan, Raeven’s mother, is a well-known actress who has excelled both in music and acting. Born on December 21, 1973, in Chicago, Illinois, Milini is the daughter of the legendary Chaka Khan and Rahsaan Morris. With a passion for music from an early age, Milini became a prominent member of the musical group Pretty In Pink. She later ventured into acting, with notable movies like “Love Under New Management: The Miki Howard Story” and “Intimate Portrait” in 2016 and 1990, respectively. Milini Khan’s estimated net worth stands at around $200,000.

Chaka Khan, Raeven’s grandmother, is a renowned American singer and songwriter. Born as Yvette Marie Stevens on March 23, 1953, in Chicago, Illinois, she is often referred to as the “Queen of Funk” for her remarkable contributions to the music industry. As the lead singer of the funk band Rufus, she gained widespread recognition. Chaka Khan’s exceptional talent earned her ten Grammy Awards over her illustrious career. With her dedication and soulful voice, she has left a lasting impact on audiences worldwide. Chaka Khan’s net worth is estimated to be around $30 million.

As for Raeven Khan’s net worth, there is little information available. Her activities and profession remain undisclosed, leaving the public curious about her endeavors. It is unclear whether she is financially independent or still supported by her mother.

In conclusion, Raeven Khan hails from a family of musical talents and renowned personalities. As she continues her journey, she carries the legacy of her mother and grandmother. With time, it is hoped that Raeven will carve her path to success in various aspects of life, just like the remarkable women of her family.

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